My EAD was Wednesdsay 14 October 1981. I had to report to Vandenberg AFB by 1200, and I was the only one dumb enough to show up in my Class A's on the first day. Somehow, I got from the Main gate to the VOQs, but I don't remember how. I had no car at the time. It was the beginning of four months TDY enroute at Initial Qualification Training. Welcome to the 4315 CCTS.
The first class I remember was Friday afternoon at 1300. The filed us into a room, and had a stack of books for each of us on the table. That stack of books must have been a foot tall and it was quite intimidating. There was a Tech Order, and an AFR 207-16, and book of CPO guidelines that I never read once in four years, and some other stuff IIRC. You looked at that stack and asked yourself "How are we going to get through that in four months?"
My response to that afternoon was to study hard that weekend. We had a syllabus that said we were supposed to cover Section I of the TO the first academic class day that following Monday, and so I spent all day Saturday and Sunday reading Section 1. It was the hardest I studied at IQT. The instruction turned out to be easier than I expected. That weekend stood me well for the rest of the class. I was always ahead of the power curve.
My Class instructor was a guy named Capt Scott Westfall. I often wonder what happened to him as well. He was a good instructor.
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